Commercial services
Exclusive Presentation
Price list
2023 - 2024
Comparison of prices of the main Mexican Carrier Companies.
Made on April 5, 2023.
Luggage 70 x 38 x 50 cm
with a weight of 25 kg.
Planning your delivery routes can be a real headache.
You have to consider so many things:
1.- Weight
2.- Volume
3.- Type of vehicle
4.- Engine displacement
5.- Height
6.- Barometric pressure
7.- Load weights
8.- Working times
9.- Stop times
the list goes on...
Route optimization just means finding the fastest and most efficient way to get all your deliveries done.
OverDrive Inc Garage Logistics will optimize your routes, allowing you to maximize your profits, reduce your costs.
If you need to make deliveries, OverDrive Inc Garage Logistica's route planning method is for you.
Battery change
OverDrive Inc Garage Logistica's solution will find the fastest possible route for each of your vehicles, so deliveries happen faster.
Maximize Deliveries
Each route is calibrated to reach as many delivery locations as possible, reducing fuel costs and improving customer delivery efficiency.
maximum volume
Each route is calibrated to reach as many delivery locations as possible, reducing fuel costs and improving customer delivery efficiency.
Route and delivery updates in real time
Real-time tracking, in addition, OverDrive Inc Garage Logistca will adjust the route for traffic and road works on the fly. Our client notifications keep your clients informed of the progress of each delivery in real time.
The system will automatically send a real-time tracking link via SMS or email.
Our paperless delivery system works, we use GPS vehicle tracking, Sign on Glass, personalized delivery notifications and electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) template. We capture signatures and photos can be taken to generate the digital delivery note and confirm that the delivery was successful.
Elige tu plan de servicio
Find one that works for you
30,250MX$Every weekCobro por evento- Tarifas dinamicas por envío, localidad, hora y urgencia.
- Sin personal en el aeropuerto, TIA, ni estacionamiento.
- Revision de tarifas cada 3 meses (Costo de Combustible)
- Facturacion semanal, sin opcion a cambio.
- Sin Eventos Gratis
- Reporte de entregas al final del turno.
- Sin reportes ni estadisticas de logistica.
- Servicio Basico
- Mejor precio/canitdad de servicios
Advanced Plus
32,750MX$Every weekAll Inclusive- Sin tarifas dinamicas, tarifa estandar prefer 55% Off*
- Personal en LL con TIA, uniforme y estacionamiento.
- Revision de tarifa cada 14 meses.
- Facturacion semanal, quincenal, mensual.
- 15 Eventos Gratis (Diario)
- 2 Reportes diarios, 1 Medio dia y 1 final de turno
- 1 Reporte logistico cada mes por 12 meses.
- Servicio mas economico de la industria vs mercado actual.
- Servicio 100% Paperless ideal para empresas ISO 14001
- Seguimiento de envio en tiempo real.
- ePOD (eProof of Delivery) Digital para la aerolinea.
31,500MX$Every weekTarifas preferenciales, 6 Eventos Gratis.- Sin tarifas dinamicas, tarifa estandar preferencial 35% Off*
- Se cuenta con estacionamiento cerca de terminal.
- Revision de tarifa cada 6 meses (Costo de Combustibe)
- Facturacion semanal o quincenal
- 6 Eventos Gratis (Diarios)
- Reporte de entregas cada quincena
- Un reporte con estadisticas logisticas cada 6 meses.
- Servicio(s) extra mas economico vs la competencia.