About us

Welcome to
OverDrive Inc Garage

OverDrive Inc Garage.
When you leave your vehicle in the workshop, have you wondered what happens and what they do to it?
OverDrive Inc - Garage makes a difference by being transparent, how?
Offering our clients a digital record of the maintenance of their vehicle.
We are very exclusive with the materials and tools that we use for your vehicle.
At OverDrive Inc Garage: We distinguish ourselves by the strong belief that each customer and their vehicle is unique.
We have a wide variety of services within a single workshop.
About us:
The company is based on the belief of doing things differently as no one has done in this industry.
Evolve the way of doing business, we know that the needs of our customers are of great importance and more than the needs, the treatment of them and their vehicles.
The entire team at OverDrive Inc Garage is committed to meeting those needs with people who provide incredible service full of quality and above all energy.
As a result of the above 99% of our business is based on people who have tried our service, clients who prefer us and who recommend us.
We are waiting for your opportunity to be hired and deliver the best service and with the best tools since we have an extensive inventory of professional and specialized tools.
The Automotive Mechanical Technicians team is waiting for you.